How Preserve is Doing it Differently

This company is built by women who understand the problem. 

We are wanting to rent for so many different reasons: 

  • We are tired of spending money on outfits we only wear once
  • We want to honor the culture
  • We want to wear super fashionable and unique outfits
  • All my outfits don't fit right now. Plus they're at my parent's.

But sometimes there can be hesitancy to rent. Naturally. Here are reasons why and how we are tackling each rental hesitancy

Why Preserve:

  • Fit: We are incredibly proactive on ensuring fit and take multi-steps to ensure so. We will guarantee you will 
  • Selection: Preserve is becoming known for our unique, one-of-kind outfits. Why renting something similar that you have in your closet?
  • Concierge: We hand hold you as little or as much as you want us to
  • Rental Length: Our rental lengths are incredibly long to alleviate stress and worry. We send it to you no later than 5 days prior. Length is 7-14 days.
  • Outfit Exclusivity: We are the ONLY company to track by event hashtag. Meaning we guarantee you won't show up in the same outfit as another guest at a wedding or event if they rent from us. Once you rented, it's off the market for that event. 

Concierge Options

  •  Text: You can text us, we are real women living in NYC responding to you. We can help you from start to finish through text 
  • Chat: We have chat bot. Which directs to the same people helping
  • Virtual Fitting Room: We can meet you via zoom and show you any outfits you are interested in, along with answering questions of course. 
  • Stylist: We pride ourselves on selecting the perfect outfits according to each woman's concerns. Whether it's you just gained a few pounds and want to conceal an area, to you're ready to show off because you're on the market searching for love.